Saturday, October 15, 2011


Just a quick update. Such a busy busy schedule coming up. My to-do list is as below:
  • complete my assignment for Science of Quran by this Friday
  • complete my assignment for Mass Com by this Friday
  • complete my assignment for Study Circle
  • complete my assignment for Drama by this week
  • Arabic quiz on this Thursday
  • memorizing the remaining surah(s) for Tilawah by this Thursday
  • memorizing Surah Al- Mukminun 1-13, and 1 doa for Study Circle by this Saturday
  • start revising for the upcoming exams
Whew. So far, I think that is all. For now in my head. Hopefully, I can handle all with great strength and willpower. And intelligence! Oh and I am thinking of joining the SNECU classes in UIA. I saw the flyers today. SNECU classes are for those who feel they are weak in Arabic language or English language. Which everyone knows I suck in Arabic language! 
Oh, and it is odd that those people that I used to see last semester, like everyday, because we will always cross paths, are now the people that I now rarely see. I mean, I think I only saw them like once or twice je this semester. This is sad. Sigh. All the best.


rendrazaleigh. said...

kan kan?
very very susah to terserempak with you.

and this semester is crazeeeeee.

my birthday is on 23rd oct (hehe) and the following semua mid term I.

woahhhh sedihnyeewwwwwwwww :(

AimiMaggie said...

why la so susah? you dah tak lalu celpad pagi2 ke :( i knowwwwww, this sem is super crazy! i am lost in my own mind. haha perlu ke reminder tu! midterm i bederet2 next week, like selang every 2 days.
samelah kesedihan kita :(